He is. His first name is Theodore. His middle name is John. His last name is the same as his mother's. (I'm preventing his full name from being a Google hit at his tender age.) In this photo, he is about nine hours old. He was born May 23, 2007, before breakfast, and after his mom had a very, very hard night's work. He came in at eight pounds, seven ounces, 20 inches, whip-smart, dangerously handsome and poised for greatness. As of Saturday morning, he will be residing with his mother and grandparents.

Surprised? So are we. The details of the story are unimportant to share here. Those who need to know them will. What I'd just like to say for now is that perfect love really does cast out fear. A mother's love is a miraculous, transformative thing. Prayers are heard by a loving Father, and sometimes answered faster than you would believe possible.
Hold on to your hats, kids. This next part of the trail isn't on any map I've ever seen.
So, which instrument has he decided to play, or will he stick to vocals? When does he go on tour? He's just at the right age to begin lessons...
He has long, slender fingers, so he'll probably play keyboards on the weekends as a stress reliever from his job as a surgeon. As for vocals, he has more emotive power than tonal control right now. The lessons thing? For now I'm just playing the guitar to him, getting him used to the tone. Funny thing is, by the time he's out gigging, some goober is probably STILL going to be yelling "Freebird" when he plays. :)