Here we see the world's youngest rock star chilling out on the first night of the tour.

Ah, yes, a hotel room full of beautiful women holding bottles. Livin' the dream.

Meanwhile, Just Friends was hard at work at the Chambersburg VFW, again pleasing the entire crowd (well, except for one guy, but ask me about him privately). I'm playing with the settings on my camera, and took this without flash. If you listen hard, you can hear Vince tearing up "Harlem Nocturne."
The next night we came back "home" to the Lawnton Legion. It was great having so many friends and family in attendance. Ed and Grace stopped by, and my brother Bill and sister-in-law Ginny were there. (I sure hope I didn't just misspell her name or I'll hear about it for the rest of my life.) And yes, we did Route 66, as a tribute to Rudy. "Thank you, music lovers" -- wherever you are.
Coming events: Just Friends will be doing the fireworks at the Hotel Hershey again July 4th. The traffic is atrocious going home, so be ready for it, but the pyrotechnics are the best around. We'll be doing the Patriotic Medley arranged by Joreen in the best possible setting for it. Bring your lawn chairs and prepare to go "ooh, aah" a lot.
Saturday, July 7th, Just Friends plays at Knoebel's Grove. I've mentioned this before here, but I can't stress to you enough what a cool park this is. If you're old enough to remember Hershey Park when it was two words and it didn't cost 50 bucks to get in, you'll love Knoebel's. Free parking, best roller coasters around, bring your own food or buy it there (you're a winner either way, although the pizza is a bit too sweet), and check out the band in a real live band shell. We'd love to make this a reunion of as many folks who can come as possible. Be in touch with us or contact Manager Jack at 717-985-9797 for more information.
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