Due to "technical difficulties" which included a squirrel's nest in the distribution box

and a wiring job straight out of a Goofy cartoon, our 1:00 performance started promptly at 2:30. Thanks to all of you gentle readers who waited around for the show and were so supportive with your applause and compliments. Thanks also to Larry Mummert and the Tall Cedars of Lebanon for inviting us to play and being so appreciative. The Muscular Dystrophy Association has been a fixture in all of our lives, and I'm sure some of you, like me, have memories of watching Jerry Lewis as the summer winds down. Hopefully, there will come a time when kids will wonder what "MDA" stood for. Kudos also to WHP 580, to the owners of the classic cars who aided in the fundraising, and to Boscov's, who hopefully got that little ground and neutral wire thing worked out eventually.
Most of all, a heartfelt thanks to Riley Johnson, who opened for us again this year. Especially touching was his dedication of the song "Friends" to Andy Guest, who recently passed away from complications due to ALS. I've said it before and I'll say it again. Watching that young man perform is God's memo to me that says, "Now, what was it you were complaining about?"

Despite the snafus, it was great to see so many of our old friends and family as well as some new fans. Shout-outs go to my Dad, Dave Weyl, Dave Gang, Jeff Seyfried, Alex Harden and Ryan, my little brother and his lovely wife Kathy, Parker and Renna, Nino and Heather, Jack, Gio, Tara and little Gio, Sean, and all our friends from St. Catherine's. Thanks for your patience and support. Also, the MVP award goes to our drummer, John Wilson, without whose help the guys from the mall would probably still be looking at that wiring and scratching their heads. Honorable mention goes to Brian Juran, who at one point just started slashing cables open with a knife and said, "The show must go on!"
If you were there and I forgot to mention you, don't be offended. After all, I couldn't even remember that "Tequila" is in G. Go ahead and giggle. I deserve it.
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