Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Opting In

Hello. I says to my wife, "Maybe I should have a blog." She says, "Maybe you should." The name Jawnboy is chosen as a tribute to my late friend, Steve Faber, God rest his big, friendly soul, who called me Johnboy, pronounced with the "awn," and thereby revived a nickname I had when I was a skinny, glasses- wearing, wannabe poet at the same time the Waltons was on the air. Hey, Steve. We miss you at the Verhovay.

I will go into greater detail, perhaps more detail than some would want, later. In the meantime, Is This Thing On?


  1. Thanks Buddy--you guys were great Saturday night. Hope you can play for us next year! Re: incriminating photos, Brenda says I didn't do anything too embarassing so I should be okay!

  2. Wow, he can type, play music, and make Tom look the way we all know...well...maybe we shouldn't say that here. Good luck John...When do we get to talk politics and religion?

  3. God knows you liberal pinkos would love that. :)
