Saturday, April 21st, the Just Friends Band continued our tradition of playing for the Bishop McDevitt Blue and Gold Gala at the Hershey Convention Center. This was our fourth appearance at the gala. Thanks to Ellen Miscannon and all those who organized the event. It was elegant and well attended. Highlights included a video retrospective of the history of McDevitt, and performances by the school jazz band, a flute choir and cast members of the upcoming musical, "The Music Man."
We look forward to this event every year as a chance to see old friends and renew acquaintances. Joreen, Gio and I are all McDevitt alumni, and Joreen is a former faculty member. McDevitt alumni and supporters should watch for this event next year. It's worth attending, and for a worthy cause.

Mark was in Rochester at his daughter's wedding, so Andy Alonso of Leghorn helped us out on bass. Andy is a top flight bass player, a veteran of the New York City music scene, a bass instructor and a great guy to play with. Thanks, Andy. Great job.
Just Friends will be appearing next at a private dance at the Colonial Country Club on April 28th. Don't forget about the May 4th Verhovay gig, a rare chance for the public to come and party with us. We play from eight to midnight, and you should get there early if you want a seat. Better yet, just stay on your feet and dance!
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