Sunday, March 04, 2007

"You like me, you really like me!"

Just a quick post here as I'm getting ready to load the car to go rock the Hershey Convention Center for a Confirmation party with Just Friends. We caught Ed and Mike Miller at Coyote Joe's last night, and they made a very effective duo. I like the combination of guitar and bass more than two guitars, and the next time Ed and I play together I'm going to bring a bass. Mike's got the harmonies going on, of course, and plays the fretless bass quite well, as you would expect from someone who is in two bands at once. Quite the gig hog, Mike is.

We also caught the second half of the Amici Trio set in Hershey, and they were having a great night. Many people who had attended a private function at the hotel came into the bar, and the Trio did what good live acts do: they held them there. We had to scramble around to find a chair.

Thanks to Mike and all our friends for the kind words about this blog. I'll try to keep coming up with halfway interesting stuff to say. Now to go schlep gear.

1 comment:

  1. Hey John,

    The real treat of the evening was listening to Bill Nork’s new band at the Brew Haus. They sounded wonderful!

    Thanks to everyone that came to Coyote Joe’s on Saturday to hear Mike and I play. It was like a party without having to clean up afterwards. Mike Miller played and sang very well and I had the pleasure of singing along on one of Mike’s original tunes. The Kelly’s joined us for a couple numbers and the evening just flew by. The best treat was having my son (Daniel) and grandson (Cassidy) visit for a while. Being a grandfather is even more fun than I had anticipated!

    Grampa Ed
