Behold the Ninja Brothers, doing battle on Grandma's porch. Just out of sight of the camera is Ninja DeeDee saying, "Watch you don't poke an eye out with those damn things."

On a pretty much perfect night for trick-or-treating, we received a small but high-quality number of children in costume. The mind reels, thinking of years gone by when my brothers and I, and later my daughters and I would go scarfing mass quantities of sugar. It's nice to see that some kids still go to the trouble of going out and getting free candy. These two angels are actually members of the St. Catherine Laboure Contemporary Choir, and they sing so well they should be getting paid for it. Prince Theo needs no candy, as he is only now beginning to teethe (is that a word?).

The blog has been kind of flaccid lately, and I apologize. Just Friends played the annual Columbus Day banquet at the Hershey Convention Center, and the light was so horrible that of all the photos I took this was the only one postable (is that a word?), but these are two true Italians, so it's appropriate. If Joreen ever manages to coax a useful DVD file from her camera, you will be able to hear Vince sing "Tu Vuo Fa L'Americano" and you'll be a better person for it.
A reminder to our friends: Just Friends will be playing at the Lawnton Legion on November 10th. If you want to come hear us on our home turf, let me know and we will put you on the list at the door. For our Mendoza friends, Thanksgiving darts is on. Plan accordingly.
Who are those girls with my son?
ReplyDeleteApparently, he prefers the company of older women.
ReplyDeleteAlso, it seems as though he likes blondes and reds.
ReplyDeleteWho won the Ninja battle?
ReplyDeleteThese are "self-esteem" Ninjas. Everybody's a winner.