Saturday night, Joreen, Alex Harden and I played Ed's brother's retirement/birthday party. There are no pictures on hand of us playing, but we looked like we did in all the other pictures you've seen. Jim is a fan of Dylan and the McGovern clan is into the Clancy Brothers, so the set list was definitely more folked up than we usually do. I whipped up a bunch of Dylan lyric sheets, including "Lay Lady Lay" which I've always wanted to do. We had fun, got good sound, and we're available for parties, picnics, whatever. Thanks to Ed for getting us the gig, helping with the equipment, sitting in and providing adult beverages. You're the man, Ed.
Coming up this Saturday: Nana Merlina's 100th birthday party. I've never been to one, and I've been telling Nana how cool it would be for years now, and here it is. Joreen is putting together an update on the photo PowerPoint she did some years ago for Nana, and it will be great. Minor drag: I went looking for pics of Nana and Theo, her great-great-grandson, from last year's birthday party and I can't locate them anywhere. They must be someplace.
UPDATE: Good St. Anthony helped me locate the SD card where those photos were. Here's one:
Okay, I gotta know... how was Nana Merlina's 100th Birthday Party? She looks terrific.