Thursday, April 09, 2009


Yes, it's Holy Thursday already. Best wishes for a holy and happy Easter from the guy who still has Christmas lights hanging out front.

It's late, and I'm a bit tuckered out, but if you're interested in checking out a web site with a very Catholic perspective, try I went looking for Triduum references and came across this. It's a big, sprawling thing with podcasts on a lot of topics. Somewhere in here I came across a link to a podcast (something I know very little about) called Praystation Portable, where they do an audio Liturgy of the Hours. Here's the link:

Tomorrow, silence and reflection, and several hours in church. Saturday, Easter eggs and running the sweeper. Sunday, ham, bread, daughters and grandboys. Monday, I am taking the day off and I don't care who knows it.

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