Sunday, November 23, 2008

Live Music Again, Finally

Last Friday evening Joreen zipped up my coat for me and we went over to Eckel's in Mechanicsburg to see Ed, Grace, Steve and Mike play.

If you've never been to Eckel's, it's an attraction in its own right, a drug store so stuck in a time warp that it was used as a setting from the Sixties in the movie "Girl, Interrupted." There's stuff to look at all over the place.

Of course, the main attraction Friday was the performance, and I would rave about this act's vocal prowess even if they weren't all my friends, and one of them wasn't my brother. The harmonies were strong, creating and consistent all night -- well, as long as I could hang in, which was one set.

I'll try to give a heads-up when they're playing again. This is an act worth catching, if for nothing else than the fact that you can then claim to have heard a song about an Amish disco. See Mike Miller for details.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

The Return of The Two-Handed Typist

My appointment with Dr. Bombay went pretty well. He had the staples removed and said the shoulder is healing well, but still won't let me start rehab exercises for another three weeks. He tried to keep me in the immobilizer and I negotiated a cloth sling out of him with the promise that I wouldn't push it. Well, the punch line is that the immobilizer is more comfortable and better support than the sling, and if I put the laptop at just the right height, I can type this paragraph in a minute rather than ten.

I told him I want to be able to play a gig by Dec.13th and his response was, "Well, I don't know how good you'll sound...." Everybody's a critic. Anyway, I turned in two transcripts yesterday, both prepared before the surgery but it still felt good to turn something in. The goofing off that I fantasize about while I'm working my ass off is more of a pain in the ass than work. There's a real Davey and Goliath moral in there somewhere.

Meanwhile, the calendar marches on. Thanksgiving Darts are still on, and Thanksgiving, my favorite holiday, approaches. Time to gird 'em up and get down to business. Thanks again to all for your well wishes and support.

The Best Little Brother of the Month award goes to David for coming over and raking up those nasty curled up leaves behind the house, as well as filling in for me with the Amici Trio on Friday at Cantone's and with Just Friends on Saturday at the Dillsburg VFW. Thanks again, little brother. Stop up at Cantone's Friday evening if you can for a drink and make sure Dave isn't busting up my jazz guitar. (Easy on the windmills there, Townshend.)

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Enough Sickie Talk

All right, I've watched "Bloodsport" twice. That's enough TV. (For anyone!) Went on Youtube and started poking around with the search word B-3. Check this out.

And this is just the first. I didn't try Jimmy Smith, Joey DeFrancesco or Booker T. yet. This guy is great at faking the bass player, too. No offense to my low-end friends, but in this economy....

Anyway, I'll find out what Dr. Bombay has to say tomorrow. Stay tuned.

Later that same search:

There's a line for me in music, a border between passion for your art and just showing off. This is music all the way, although have to listen pretty fast at points.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

"How's the Shoulder?"

Well, it's something like this.

This is as of Sunday afternoon when I showered. Getting ready to go to Mass now. I've got stuff to be thankful for.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Knitting Up

Shoulder feels like it's thinking about healing. Uncomfortable, but tolerable. Bill and Sandy visited today. She's 12 days ahead of me in the process, so we compared notes. Thanks also to the Norks for some jambalaya that I'm going to heat up in a little while.

Heads up: Just Friends is gearing up for New Year's at the Sheraton. Details to follow.

Thursday, November 13, 2008


...went very well. In at 11:30, out like a light at 12:30, out the door by 3:00. I was finally convinced of the need for the operation as well as for the scalene block. Dr. Polacheck was pleased with the outcome. Not exactly Marcus Welby in the charm department, but he did put the tendon back together and that's what he's paid for.

Block is beginning to wear off, but still not as much discomfort as I was ready for. I'm relieved that it's over. On a positive note, yesterday Fr. Hereshko anointed me, what they used to call Last Rites. It was very moving and comforting, especially when he anointed my hands. Last night, Fr. Bruce Nieli, our parish mission speaker, had the crowd, about 150 of them, pray for me and the success of the surgery, another powerful and humbling experience and certainly why things went so well. One of the people was Alex Szeles, who has been in treatment for cancer for a long time, and for whom I've been praying. That was intense.

I'll be in touch with updates. One-handed typing is slow, but I've got a lot of time on my hand.

Finally, thanks to all my family and friends for their concern and offers of help. Reminds me of how blessed and lucky I am.

Sunday, November 09, 2008

While I Can Still Type With Both Hands...

... I thought I'd just mention that the rotator cuff repair surgery is on for Wednesday. I've been soliciting anecdotal evidence from everybody I can and the bottom line seems to be Your Mileage May Vary. I don't mind admitting that I'm apprehensive about this. It's been over 30 years since I've had anesthetic (no, smartaleck, not counting beer) and I haven't had an incision since my appendix came out. The surgeon does come highly recommended and there's no doubt I have to do something, since normal activities of daily living in the last week, i.e. playing two jobs and typing like crazy, have left me with a pretty constant ache. So, here we go. I'll be in touch with folks as soon as I can; just don't look to this blog for long updates. They might be limited to something like, "Ow."