Thursday, November 20, 2008

The Return of The Two-Handed Typist

My appointment with Dr. Bombay went pretty well. He had the staples removed and said the shoulder is healing well, but still won't let me start rehab exercises for another three weeks. He tried to keep me in the immobilizer and I negotiated a cloth sling out of him with the promise that I wouldn't push it. Well, the punch line is that the immobilizer is more comfortable and better support than the sling, and if I put the laptop at just the right height, I can type this paragraph in a minute rather than ten.

I told him I want to be able to play a gig by Dec.13th and his response was, "Well, I don't know how good you'll sound...." Everybody's a critic. Anyway, I turned in two transcripts yesterday, both prepared before the surgery but it still felt good to turn something in. The goofing off that I fantasize about while I'm working my ass off is more of a pain in the ass than work. There's a real Davey and Goliath moral in there somewhere.

Meanwhile, the calendar marches on. Thanksgiving Darts are still on, and Thanksgiving, my favorite holiday, approaches. Time to gird 'em up and get down to business. Thanks again to all for your well wishes and support.

The Best Little Brother of the Month award goes to David for coming over and raking up those nasty curled up leaves behind the house, as well as filling in for me with the Amici Trio on Friday at Cantone's and with Just Friends on Saturday at the Dillsburg VFW. Thanks again, little brother. Stop up at Cantone's Friday evening if you can for a drink and make sure Dave isn't busting up my jazz guitar. (Easy on the windmills there, Townshend.)

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