Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Adios, Comcast

The Verizon installer is just finishing up giving Comcast the boot. They don't know yet. It will be a surprise. Honestly, it's not that different from Comcast; a few more channels and a new remote. The big thing is that Comcast can't raise my rates anymore just because they feel like it. Also, we get a price break due to having Verizon for the phone, internet and television, which makes them... uh, what's the word... oh, a monopoly!


  1. Anonymous9:58 PM

    FIOS TV has been nice to us. Still getting used to the new remote. The Home Media DVR and the fresh-looking menus combine with more channels for the money to make it pretty nice.

  2. I am sorry to learn that we have lost you as a customer. If you are interested, I can reach out to my contacts and see if we can match the rates that you received from Verizon. If not, I will understand, but please know we are here to assist in case you change your mind.


    Mark Casem
    Comcast Corp.
    National Corporate Office

  3. Wow, Comcast was fast...

  4. Creepy indeed. I didn't turn on my computer today, so imagine my surprise. Hey, Mr. Comcast, you should have "reached out to your contacts" when you were raising my rates anytime you wanted to.

  5. Comcast is supremely creepy like that...not at all surprised. I've seen something similar before with someone just complaining about their service, though they weren't saying that they left Comcast. They apparently have a whole staff committed to surfing various blogs, facebook, etc. every day to post those stock response.

    Can you imagine that being your job? I guess I'd rather that than answer "why did you raise my rates AGAIN" phone calls...
