Monday, December 17, 2007
We still have electricity...
Just Friends had our Christmas party today, for those of us who weren't working (Hey, Parker) or who were stuck with no electricity (Hey, Barry). We're getting ready to play the wedding of Gio and Tara next weekend, and of course the New Year's celebration is fast approaching. If you're interested, I have tix here.
Be safe and watch your step out there.
(* It occurred to me after I hit "publish" that Sean can't read this if he doesn't have electricity. D'oh!)
Friday, December 07, 2007
Time Flies Like an Arrow...
Update: both young'uns are packing on the groceries and growing well. The grandboy is in the World Wrestling Entertainment percentile for weight, and off the chart for height at 29 inches. The puppy is doing what you would expect.
Here's a nice photo of the Grandboy's great-aunt and great-uncle (yeah, Jinny, how's that sound?) at Thanksgiving. I don't have much room to talk about getting old, though. Sometimes I feel as old as this thing:
Yes, I finally let go of the past and put this piece of cutting-edge eighties technology out for the trash pickup. It was a rocking word processor back when computers didn't have hard drives.
So there's an update to the blog, such as it is. Just Friends is heading into the Christmas party season, and still gearing up for the New Year's Eve party at the Sheraton. We'd love to see our friends and family come out and celebrate with us, and sing Happy Birthday to Vince after midnight. In the meantime:
Don't forget to wear your winter hat. Baby, it's cold outside.
Monday, November 19, 2007
On The Fly
Photos and more amusing stuff later. Off to York this morning for a hearing.
Monday, November 12, 2007
New Photos on Flickr
Not much else going on now. Preparing for Thanksgiving and Thanksgiving darts, not in that order. This Sunday, Ed Smith's choir and ours will be combined at the 11:00 Mass. The St. Theresa people are great. It should be fun.
Tuesday, November 06, 2007
And In Other News
While I was in Notre Dame, I got a phone call that there was a puppy at the house. That turned out to be true. Meet Abby, the newest addition to the Kelly household. She's mostly Lab with some golden retriever, and a rescue. Theo's godmother Stephanie works with Furry Friends, an outfit dedicated to the proposition that there aren't enough blue suits with dog fur on them yet. Abby's a good dog. Good thing, because she's here for keeps.
Monday, November 05, 2007
Loyal Sons Are Marching
November 3, 2007 was a day to go down in history in more ways than one. My father and my brothers and I went to South Bend and spent a perfect day on the campus of Notre Dame. If I told you all that happened, this would be a very long entry, so let me summarize quickly for now.
Dad has been a fan of Notre Dame for a long, long time. My brothers are all football fans to the bone. David contacted me early this year about taking Dad to see Notre Dame and Navy, and at the time the band was booked. When the weekend opened up for me, we started getting excited. This was April.
Here's a picture that was taken just as we arrived at our seats, which were on the 20 yard line. Okay, so Notre Dame lost. Okay, so they didn't go for the field goal at fourth and eight. Whatever. Here you see a picture of five of the happiest people on the planet on November 3rd. We had a great time. I will try to go into more detail later, and I will do a Flickr page for the photos. For now, I need to send special thanks to my little brother David for taking the rowing oar in making the arrangements, and doing all the driving. You rawk, little brother. Dad sent us an e-mail thanking us for making the trip possible. I just want to thank him for making us possible.
Monday, October 29, 2007
Happy Birthday, Jim and Tina
Sunday afternoon, we attended a surprise 60th birthday party for Jim and Tina Wallish, my brother David's in-laws. They are really great folks. I'm personally grateful to Tina for her kindness to me while I was in the hospital in '03. She was a big help in navigating the paperwork stream and just being a friendly face when I certainly needed one.
Jim is a long-time friend and former coworker of Vince's, and a musician in his own right, having played trombone in the Navy Band. Recently he has been playing guitar and performing with the Lower Paxton Parks Department band, as well as working on recording projects with Tina, brother Dave and Kathy.
The birthday party was organized by Kathy, shown here with her own birthday present. A trendsetter if ever I saw one.
Kathy put together a slideshow of photos from Jim and Tina's childhood to the present. I don't want to hear about how home movies are boring; I love looking at old photos of people I know. It's cool to check out the cars, fashions, and other traces of the past in those pictures.
Here is a really cool photo of Prince Theo and his Great-Uncle Bill. The grandboy was a charmer all afternoon, even though he had a bit of a cold, and his Great-Aunt Ginny gets thanks for holding him while we ate, in fact getting him to conk out for a while.
Dad and Rose were at the party (sorry, no pictures) and we talked about the upcoming road trip Dad, my brothers and I are taking to Notre Dame. More on that later.
Happy birthday and many happy returns to the the Wallishes -- including Kathy, whose birthday is today.
Singles Dance in Lancaster
Just Friends played at the Quality Inn Lancaster for the New Singles, at the invitation of Sid Miller. This being a Halloween party, the dress code was somewhere between colorful and bizarre. The band came dressed as musicians, of course.
We were so busy rocking the crowd, there were few chances to take photos. These were all taken during the percussion break in Hot, Hot, Hot, including this rare photo of Barry and Mark gettin' down and funky.
The focus of these events is for singles to be able to dance and socialize, and they are well organized and well attended. In addition to the live music, there are pre-recorded dance segments designed to encourage people to dance with and meet other dancers. The crowd is enthusiastic and appreciative of good music. Sid does a great job of providing a welcoming and friendly environment for everyone.
We will be playing regularly for the New Singles Dances throughout the coming year. For more information, their web site is .
Friday, October 26, 2007
Things That Make You Feel Older Than Dirt
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Trick or Treat
Behold the Ninja Brothers, doing battle on Grandma's porch. Just out of sight of the camera is Ninja DeeDee saying, "Watch you don't poke an eye out with those damn things."
On a pretty much perfect night for trick-or-treating, we received a small but high-quality number of children in costume. The mind reels, thinking of years gone by when my brothers and I, and later my daughters and I would go scarfing mass quantities of sugar. It's nice to see that some kids still go to the trouble of going out and getting free candy. These two angels are actually members of the St. Catherine Laboure Contemporary Choir, and they sing so well they should be getting paid for it. Prince Theo needs no candy, as he is only now beginning to teethe (is that a word?).
The blog has been kind of flaccid lately, and I apologize. Just Friends played the annual Columbus Day banquet at the Hershey Convention Center, and the light was so horrible that of all the photos I took this was the only one postable (is that a word?), but these are two true Italians, so it's appropriate. If Joreen ever manages to coax a useful DVD file from her camera, you will be able to hear Vince sing "Tu Vuo Fa L'Americano" and you'll be a better person for it.
A reminder to our friends: Just Friends will be playing at the Lawnton Legion on November 10th. If you want to come hear us on our home turf, let me know and we will put you on the list at the door. For our Mendoza friends, Thanksgiving darts is on. Plan accordingly.
Sunday, October 07, 2007
Hersheypark Happy
Now, that's what we call a stage. Thanks to Hersheypark for providing this playground for us. September 8th was our first opportunity to play the amphitheatre during the regular park season and it was a blast. Even the people who didn't catch T-shirts loved us.
The band was in fine form. Playing is always better than anything else we do, but this day was especially enjoyable from start to finish.
All of us played at the top of our game, but special mention has to go to Vince for his soprano sax solo during Zoot Suit Riot. It was amazing.
We'd like to thank all our family and friends who made the effort to come support us, all the new friends we made that day, and the sound engineers, Bill and Carl, who were extremely helpful and provided top-notch sound.
More photos are available at this Flickr link:
These are "warts and all photos" unedited, at least for now. I'm still on the learning curve with this stuff.
A gentle reminder: it's not too early to make plans to celebrate New Year's Eve with Just Friends. We have tickets in hand and we would hate to see anybody miss out. For more information, contact us at or speak to your favorite band member when you get a chance.
Finally, John and Joreen are working on the band's new e-mail list (and apologize for the delay). We will soon be contacting those who have provided their e-mail address to us, keeping you in the loop of when and where the band will be appearing, and other news and information.
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
I'd Rather Be in Some Dark (Hemlock) Hollow
Coffeehouse on Olmsted Air Force Base in Middletown back in the day. Later, Joreen and I were in The Cards with Don. Rounding out the foursome is Mike Miller on bass and vocals, who also plays in Jury of Five with my brother Steve. On occasions, Mike has a conflict like he did Friday night, and so there I was:
in my tie-dye glory, wardrobe courtesy of PK (thanks again, man).
Husband and wife musician teams are dear to my heart. If you can be in a band with your husband and not put a frying pan through his skull while he's sleeping, you're an uncommonly strong woman and to be highly commended.
These photos were taken by our good friend Bob Martin at the Middle Ridge Tavern. Bob is the kind of friend whose smile can lower your blood pressure. Yes, Bobby, you're that cool. Bob is also a bass player and I suppose de facto Webmaster for Hemlock Hollow at the following link:
Make it a point to catch the Hemlock Hollow if you want to hear a tasty blend of old bluegrass, sixties country rock, and just good tunes. Roger's voice was always good, but all this gigging has given it more strength and confidence. Don and Mike can harmonize anything anytime and make it look easy, and Don solos like he means it. It's always fun when we play together. Another thing about this band: their following are the kind of people you want to hang with, like Warren and Karen Newman. Before you know it, you'll be a Hollowhead too.
By the way, the Middle Ridge Tavern is out in the middle of nowhere but they have this Kalamazoo Stout which is one of the best I've ever tasted, expensive and worth every penny. It's like drinking a loaf of homemade bread. Nice place, good food, cool clientele. If you want to drive there don't trust the Mapquest directions. They're whacked. Link:
Monday, September 10, 2007
Take Me Out To The Ballgame
The fans went wild.
Later, Coach Grandma offered Travis pointers on how to work on his spitball:
Things got out of control when Deven and Travis began hosting their own techno dance rave on the Island, and it was time to leave:
As summers go, this one was exceptionally cool, and ended well.
Tuesday, September 04, 2007
Sometime after we moved into this house, the wife and kids started asking me when we could get another dog. After all, bigger house, more animals, right? Seems logical to some people. Go figure. Anyway, my response was always, "One of these days." So one evening, Joreen apparently decided "one of these days" meant "right now" because she called an ad in the paper for a border collie. A healthy exchange of ideas (argument) ensued, during which I told Joreen she was to call the number in the paper and tell them she wasn't coming. Andi responded in a very mature, understanding fashion -- she grabbed the newspaper, ran into our bedroom, and threatened to eat the phone number so her mom couldn't call it. Andi said, "Mom's going to pick up MY DOG!"
Sure enough, later that evening, in comes this border collie. Adjustments had to be made all around. It was her first time in a vehicle, first time away from her sister, first time indoors and, judging from the way she jumped three feet in the air when I turned on the stereo, the first time she listened to the Grateful Dead. We couldn't even name her, because she had already been named "Katy," so we adjusted it to "K.D." for "Kelly's Dog," which is her official name at the vet's.
I had been sold this line that border collies are "smart." Well, independent thinkers, that's for sure, but smart as in easy for first time collie owners to paper train, fuhgedaboudit. She took her sweet time learning that one, in the process picking up the nickname "Einstein" from the guy who had to keep changing his socks.
She did pick up one really high functioning trick, though, and with a vengeance. I taught her to fetch the newspaper in the orange plastic bag and bring it in the house. It took a pretty long time to get her to actually bring it in the house, but she then took a step further, insisting on stripping the bag off the paper, which of course earned her a Beggin' Strip (which smell like bacon, kind of, in an air freshener kind of way.)
One true thing about border collies: they need a job, they need work. Katy took her assignment to fetch the paper so seriously that it led to one of our favorite stories. One time, without our knowing it, we had ignored one too many notices from the Patriot-News to send them some money, and the paper was stopped. So one cold, dark morning, I got out of bed, Katy right in front of me, and headed for the door. "Ready to go to work?" I asked her as I did each time, and she licked her lips in response. (What the hell is in those Beggin' Strips?) Anyway, I opened the door, said, "Get the paper!" and she was off like a shot. It being cold and nasty, I shut the door to wait for her. It took a little longer than usual, but there she was with the orange bag, and life went on as usual -- until the phone rang. It was our next door neighbor, who said, "I think your dog just stole my newspaper."
Katy loved the Frisbee and loved to play catch with the ball. She would sit at the top of the steps, catch a tennis ball, then drop it and let it bounce down to me so I could throw it again. And again. For what seemed like hours.
In her later years, like many athletes, her joints started giving out, and her hips got pretty bad. After Gracie died, Katy was inconsolable, and started going downhill. She was never really herself again, and slowly began losing weight. This Labor Day weekend, she stopped eating and could barely move. Carney Shenk, who for the record is the most knowledgeable and compassionate veterinarian in the world, told us it was probably cancer, and that her organs were shutting down. For the second time this year, it was my task to finish what I started when I accepted dog ownership. Once again, as with Gracie, I made sure that the last words my pet heard were, "Katy's a good dog."
I'll look around and find some other pictures to post of her later. Right now, I'm not up to it. Fortunately, there are some other more cheerful things going on and I'll post about them soon.
Monday, August 27, 2007
You Don't Know What You've Got 'Til It's Gone
Certain things you just always assume are going to be there. We all know that's not a safe assumption, but it still came as a shock to me to learn that the Spot is closing at the end of September. It caused me to make a pilgrimage and take this photo, which is making me extremely hungry even as I type.
If you're a local as many of you gentle readers are, you remember the Spot when it stood on Market Square. Muggy hot Friday nights, my Dad would put us all in the car and we'd drive down and get a bag of one-e-ups (a word I've never seen in print before, so that's an approximation.) The guy would line the buns up his arm and make them assembly line style. None of us wanted the one the farthest up his arm. The car and then later our house would fill with the fragrance of chili dogs, and after we ate we would be allowed to sleep in the living room and watch Johnny Carson, another rare treat. We never stayed awake for more than the monologue, but that wasn't the point.
As I walked downtown towards the Spot, I couldn't help but think of other landmarks that are gone like the Canton Inn, which was the only Chinese restaurant I was ever in for many years, and Mike's Kwiki-Lunch, a/k/a Dirty Mike's, where I ate the majority of my meals while working at Bell of Pennsylvania (there's another one gone), most often grilled blueberry muffins or BLTs for breakfast and chili dogs or ham subs for lunch.
Nostalgia is powerfully tempting at times like this, on a warm summer night, making me wish we could pile back in the car and go to Sam's -- no, not the symbol of Corporate Evil and Greedy World Domination, but the absolute best ice cream place in town. When our car got close to Sam's, we'd get more and more excited until there it was, like the Gates of Paradise, only with more neon. Sam's was right next to the City Line Diner, where everybody went for eggs and home fries after a night on the town or playing gigs. In fact, for a short time you could play gigs in the basement of the City Line, and it was on one of them that I learned/stole The Gloria Joke.
Yes, so many great places and great cases of heartburn, only a memory now. What's the point? I guess gratitude is in order, to have lived long enough and in times prosperous enough to have had so many cool food places around. The neon is still on in my memory long after the buildings have been torn down to make room for banks and parking lots and other crap. For me, it becomes more important all the time as we get closer to the end of Summer and the end of other things to remember the advice of Warren Zevon:
Enjoy every sandwich.
Sunday, August 12, 2007
Back in the Saddle Again
Just Friends roared back to life at the Lawnton Legion Saturday night after our vacation break, and it was just like riding a bicycle: hard, sweaty work -- er, that is, it just came naturally. Really, we had a great time, and thanks to our family and friends who filled the place with love and dancing.
Sunday afternoon was a different kind of job for the band, playing at the Tall Cedars Muscular Dystrophy fundraiser and car show at the Colonial Park Mall. We nearly had the show stolen from us by a young man named Riley, who sang the National Anthem quietly and reverently, and in a way that gave new meaning to those familiar lyrics. When the words "the land of the free and the home of the brave" are coming from a child in a wheelchair who has muscular dystrophy, it makes you think twice about complaining about anything. We were honored to play for this fundraiser, and thank the event organizers for asking us to participate.
Next weekend, the band will be playing a private function, the 82 Airborne's convention at the Hilton on Friday and Saturday. Don't forget to mark your calendars for Saturday, August 24th, when Just Friends rocks the Verhovay. Cheap drinking, great people, huge French fry orders and Just Friends: what's not to love? Get there early if you want a table.
Just Friends is working on updating our e-mail list so as to keep you folks better informed of our whereabouts. Most of you who are readers of this blog have my e-mail, so contact me, or else go to and e-mail our very own Manager Jack. There's some interesting things on the horizon for the band.
Stay tuned for further news about the Just Friends New Year's celebration at the Sheraton Harrisburg-Hershey. We're getting excited about this and it's not even Labor Day yet. There's a real possibility this event will sell out even though it's in a large venue, so plan to attend now, and let us know so we can reserve tickets for you.
Friday, August 03, 2007
Quick Hello from Portsmouth
This connection is unreliable. I'll publish for now and report more later.
Thursday, August 02, 2007
Cape Cod rocks
Sorry, couldn't resist the pun. Cape Cod rolls, too.
You will notice that there's a bite out of it. When the waitress put it in front of me I went temporarily insane and started eating before I realized I should have taken a photo. This is the best sandwich in the history of eating. Harwich, MA, I forget the name of the restaurant, but Joreen had the best cod sandwich she's ever had. We stumbled into this award winning place and had a blast.
The owner of the place we're staying is a fine arts photographer and inspired me and Joreen to go out and take pictures all over the place. This is not fine art, but it's just fine for me, for now. I really have to learn what all those icons on this camera are for.
We went to the Cape Cod National Shore, first stopping at the National Parking Shakedown Booth. It was worth it, because the scenery was beautiful.
Really beautiful. Ask Joreen to show you her seal photos. She was going all Animal Planet on me again.
I can only post five pics at a time, so the report on the Cape Cod baseball league will have to wait. All our vacations are great, because Joreen and I travel well together, but this one is just off the hook. It's Thursday morning, and I'm typing this to avoid packing the car and leaving. We're heading for Portsmouth, NH today. More later.
Monday, July 30, 2007
Thar She Blows!
Sunday evening we drove up to the tip of the Cape, Provincetown, for the Dolphin Fleet Whale Watch cruise. This was one of Joreen's dreams come true, to see whales somewhere other than on Animal Planet. These photos are all Joreen's.
You have to be really fast and alert, not only to get the shot but to elbow the other tourists out of the way.
It was the last cruise of the evening and we saw quite a few whales. The naturalist/snack bar operator on the boat gave us a lot of details; ask Mrs. Discovery Channel about them. It was a three hour tour, and very enjoyable.
We've declared today as a Sit On Your @$$ Day, so there may not be much to report. Don't forget that Wednesday is Jerry Garcia's 65th Birthday. Close the blinds and twirl like an idiot; I sure will.
Sunday, July 29, 2007
Sunday dinner...
Saturday, July 28, 2007
The Kellys Have Left The Building
Joreen's always impeccable Internet skills have done it again, and we have the nicest room in all of Cape Cod.
See what I mean?
It's really, really, cool and it has a view from the balcony that looks like this:
We'll be posting throughout the week, hopefully.
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Life Is Good
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Just Friends July
Friday evening, we played the wedding of Susan Sunchych and Dage Gardner at the Carlisle War College, and a good time was had by all. We were warmly received by the guests and the staff as well.
Noteworthy: This was the premiere of Parker's new gear configuration, playing rhythm guitar in addition to horns and percussion. Two necks are better than one.
For those of you who could not attend the Knoebel's show on 07/07/07, you missed all the excitement. The weather was glorious and the crowds were responsive and mostly under control -- until Gio pulled out The Trombone.
Pandemonium ensued. As you can see, the capacity crowd nearly emptied the bleachers as they rushed the stage.
Fortunately, the new Just Friends security detail was on hand to keep Gio from being ripped to shreds by the adoring fans.
Brian just sat there and ran sound, like he always does -- impeccably.
Actually, we did put on an amazing show, and we are grateful to the Knoebel family for inviting us. We hope to return again next year, when we'll probably share the billing with Pat Davison, the World's Greatest Juggler, and his long-suffering wife and kid. (They're really sweet people, and he's actually very good.) I have more photos from this day, and when I get the chance I'll post them to Flickr and put the link here.
Finally, we played the Lykens concert series Wednesday, the 11th, which was held indoors to keep us from getting soaked like we usually do in the gazebo. We always enjoy playing for Kevin and the great citizens of Lykens. Sorry, no pics, but imagine a really big, cool stage with a large crowd enjoying our performance.
Just Friends is now on vacation until August 11th, when we return to the Lawnton Legion with all our gear properly tweezed and the band all tanned and rested. Hope you're having a great summer, just like this guy: